The 7th of July 2022 marks the 40th anniversary of Armitage & Co., which I formed as a specialist insolvency practice with offices in Park Square, Leeds and Greville Street, London. From my previous partnership I was joined by my…

Welcome to a brief introduction to Tony Armitage, FIPA, FICM, and the professional services I provide under the long-established trading name of Armitage & Co.
My lifetime’s professional work has been that of a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner and Corporate Turnaround Advisor. I hope this brief resume will be of interest to you and will result in continuing instructions for me.
Zombie companies, an economic burden or an opportunity?
Zombie companies are again the subject of discussion now the Government sponsored support packages to offset the economic downside of the Covid 19 pandemic are ending. This also brings the likelihood of a substantial increase in the number of formal…
Managing your business in anticipation of an exit from the Covid-19 lockdown.
My previous comments have focussed on “embracing the changes” likely to flow from the impact of Covid-19 on your business. The lockdown has given time for thought and an indication of the changes likely to succeed when the “new” normal…
My letter published in the Yorkshire Post 18th January 2020 Sir, As a regular Flybe passenger I think they provide an excellent service. The demand for their services is so great (8 million passengers per year) that I suspect their…
I recently expressed an opinion that the forthcoming return of elements of the HMRC preferential creditor status in formal insolvency proceedings is a good thing. In doing so I was very much a lone voice. My justification was based on…
On the 9th May 2019 the Department for Transport published its wide-ranging and well researched Airline Insolvency Review (”AIR”) with contains many sensible but challenging proposals. The full text can be found at…
Regulation of insolvency practitioners call for evidence
The Government is calling for evidence in its review of the regulation of insolvency practitioners under the current regulatory landscape. More information can be found in the Call for Evidence document (pdf) on the website.…
HMRC Preferential Rights
There is much opposition to the draft Finance Bill which proposes to restore some elements of the HMRC preferential status which existed before the introduction of the Enterprise Act 2002. The proposed preferential status of HMRC largely relates to VAT…